Applying Previous Work Experience to Other Professional Jobs

Applying Previous Work Experience to Other Professional Jobs

Forging the path towards a professional career can be exciting yet daunting. You might be dreaming about the possibilities of a fresh start, but there are still many unknowns. Sometimes the risks of starting a new job might even hold you back from pursuing your interests. Many candidates ask themselves: Am I qualified for these types of prospective professional jobs? What if I don’t have relevant experience? Will my previous experience help me land the role and ensure I’m successful? 

We’re here to give you the push of confidence you might need to pursue a new opportunity! Keep reading to learn how to apply previous work experience to new roles and how to decide if you’d be a good fit for a prospective employer.

How do I Apply Previous Experience to a New Job? 

You’re ready to start a new professional career, but you’re wondering if you have enough experience – or the correct experience. Fortunately, even if your past jobs, internships, or education do not seem applicable, there are ways of correlating that experience to future roles.

When considering if you’re qualified for a new role, you should contemplate more than just the actual daily tasks you do now. While they are something to consider – and can increase your chances of landing the job –  you should also think about the core skills and measurable outcomes that you provide to your current employer. There are many different types of professional jobs, and you’d be surprised how many require similar core skills. 

For example, let’s say a 9th grade English teacher is looking for a new professional career. He searches “professional jobs hiring near me” and sees that a local marketing agency is hiring a project manager. Currently, as a teacher, he arranges lesson plans, disciplines unruly teenagers, collects and grades homework, and more. While his daily tasks would look completely different as a marketing project manager, he is already practicing very similar skills. From organizing project timelines, aligning each aspect of a deliverable, and motivating distracted creatives – he might just be the perfect fit for the project management role! 

Making the jump to a professional service job might be easier than you think. Keep reading to consider if a change could be right for you!

Three Considerations When Applying For A Professional Job

Before starting the process of those pesky job application emails, stop for a minute and think through the following considerations. They will help you adjust your resume, prepare for an interview, and even decide if this job is right for you. 

You Might Have More Experience Than You Think

Start by thinking about all of your previous experience: jobs, internships, apprenticeships, education, or volunteer work. Is any of your background in the same field as this prospective job? If so, be sure to highlight that on your resume, job application emails, and interview. Your experience may seem minor to you, but it could be the tipping point that lands you the role over other applicants. 

Furthermore, if you can describe your experience through quantifiable metrics – that’s even better! Your goal is to show how your skills and experiences will be an asset to this new job. Hiring managers don’t want to take risks when filling roles, so it’s important to show them you have a proven, measurable record of success. 

You Can Get Creative When Applying For A New Job 

Remember how we applied the English teacher’s experience to a project management role? This is where you can get creative with proving your core skills crossover to a new role – even if it is a different type of professional job

To do this, make a list of your current daily tasks. Then ask yourself: what core skills make me successful at these tasks? Think about core skills as competencies such as organization, time management, active listening, and attention to detail. These skills are important in many different types of professional jobs and are easily transferable!

When You Can’t Find Any Similar Experience

One caveat to consider is if your lack of experience might hinder your ability to perform in a new role. While we believe many skills are easily transferable, you might not be ready for a career shift immediately. When you are making a list of your daily tasks and core skills, you might not see any crossover between your past experience and a new role. 

If that’s the case, it might not be time to jump into this professional career change. Instead, take time to grow in the skills you need. Register for classes, seek out mentors, find books to help you grow, and consider if there’s a smaller job change that will get you closer to your end goal. 

Another thing to consider if there isn’t any crossover in experience: are you still interested in this job? Sometimes, thinking through your experience shows you that you’re actually a better fit for a different career path. Wherever this road leads you, know that there is a fulfilling job for every skill set. You just need to find it!

Work with Friday Staffing Services to Get the Best Job For You!

Need help finding that perfect job for you? Work with Friday Staffing Services. We bring the right people to the right job – every time. Get started today!

How Friday Staffing Works With Employers

How Friday Staffing Works With Employers

Friday Staffing’s Employee Recruiting Services

Many aspects of running a business require constant attention and supervision. Tasks such as hiring, onboarding, and structural organization keep the wheels in motion for your company. However, despite how necessary such work is, it is likely only part of your job description. Friday Staffing asks, why take time out of your busy schedule to handle a task when other organizations solely devote themselves to performing these and similar tasks? Friday Staffing is a temporary staffing agency that recruits, trains and places talented people to work for businesses and industries in Western North Carolina. Learn how Friday Staffing can help your company grow, optimize your time, and provide quality staffing solutions

Assist in Finding Qualified Candidates

If you want to expand your company, it is not enough to bring in more people. You need to ensure that those you bring in are applicants who are capable of performing the tasks that you require of them. Part of the service that Friday Staffing offers is the screening of all potential candidates for the position. Screening ensures they meet all expectations and allows you to focus on other, more relevant tasks. All we need from you is a breakdown of what you are looking for, such as any specialized tasks and your budget constraints. 

Forge Relationships with Your Business and Friday Staffing

When you bring on Friday Staffing, we join your team. Our professional staffing solutions help lift the burden of specific responsibilities so you can focus on your primary responsibilities. The more we work with you, the more a relationship will naturally develop. The more we get to know you, the better job we can do in ensuring that those we bring into your corporate family are the right fit for your culture and their assigned work. 

Optimize Human Resources

Human Resources goes hand in hand with staffing solutions. By utilizing the HR experts at Friday Staffing, you are making one of the best strategic choices for your company. 

A few critical staffing solutions Friday Staffing can perform for your company’s hiring process are drug screenings, skills assessments, background checks, and thoroughly checking references and work history. 

Handle Onboarding

After building a relationship with the client, we begin to understand their values, mission, ethics, and the quality of their work. As a result, we incorporate all we learn into each client’s smooth and efficient onboarding process.

We will communicate your organization’s relevant requirements, expectations, and policies to each employee before their start day. We store every relevant document in our system for posterity and better access. These documents contain new employee checklists, parking information, driving directions, required PPE equipment, safety checklists, vehicle information, and badge information.  

Clarify Your Reporting Options

At Friday Staffing, clear and consistent communication is the key to any relationship, especially a professional one. We provide communicative services to ensure our clients are always in the loop. Depending on your preference, we share these updates daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. 

These reports contain information about the length of assignments, employee performance, turnover, workplace safety, time to fill orders, and other relevant professional data.

Organize Company Policy Documents

Understanding and clarity are essential for any employee/employer relationship. That is why we take great care to be sure that each employee reviews all company policy documents before beginning their duties. These documents include policies such as harassment, hazardous materials, and attendance. 

After reviewing these documents, the new hire must sign a form ensuring they have received them. They will have access online to these documents so they can refer to them at their leisure.

Take Your Business to the Next Level with Friday’s Employee Recruiting Services

A business has many moving parts, and tracking them all is difficult. Instead of trying, delegate some of your essential tasks to trained professionals specializing in staffing solutions, leaving you time to take care of your other responsibilities. Reach out to Friday Staffing today to learn how we can help you take your hiring process to the next level.


Professional vs. Administrative Jobs – Job Industry Differences | Friday Staffing

Professional & Administrative Jobs: Differences, Responsibilities, & Industries

learn how friday staffing places people in either professional or administrative jobs

The Difference In Professional & Administrative Jobs

As a career-driven person, at some point, you have had to determine what aspects of work you most excel at. Everyone brings different talents and skills to the table. However, if you are still deciding what profession is best suited for your aptitudes, you have come to the right place. Many high-level careers can be classified as one of two job types: professional or administrative jobs. These are incredibly vague terms to describe the intricacies and finer points of both types of careers, and there are exceptions to every rule. 

A professional career is usually specialized, and it accomplishes some specific task. In comparison, an administrative career keeps everything within an organization moving. 

A metaphor to describe the relationship between these two career types is that of a train. The professional is the engine that accomplishes tasks to pull the train (or enterprise) forward, but the administrative employees are the engineers who ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

Professional & Administrative Job Responsibilities

Professional Jobs

Because professional careers generally are the producers of a business, they tend to require more specialized skills and training, but not always. Professional jobs include doctors, engineers, writers, designers, and other such titles. Extensive training and experience are often necessary for a professional career, but it tends to make their responsibilities singular. What they do, they do with little deviation. 

Administrative Jobs

What are administrative jobs? An administrator is a significantly more dynamic role than that of a professional. An administrator is responsible for ensuring that an organization is functioning correctly. They generally handle issues of communication, bureaucracy, legalities, and efficiency. Without them, the professional will be unable to do their job adequately or potentially at all. 

Industries For Professional & Administrative Jobs 

Most industries require a functioning harmony between professionals and administrators. However, there are some organizations where both parties need to achieve a more complete symbiosis to reach their full potential.


The healthcare industry is a perfect example that relies heavily on professionals and administrators to accomplish its goals. When most people think of a hospital, they immediately think of doctors and nurses who provide essential care to patients. However, the administrators are the ones who keep the doors open and enable patients to receive their necessary treatments. Administrators can include:

  • The people who handle billing.
  • The receptionists.
  • The legal department.
  • Anyone else whose efforts keep processes moving.


Factories and manufacturing professions rely heavily on a good relationship between administrators and professionals. The professional tradespersons are involved in the process of creating products, and the administrators handle their distribution, billing and other responsibilities for customers. Both types of workers are essential for a healthy and thriving manufacturing enterprise. 


Sales firms are another excellent example of an industry that needs both professionals and administrators to have a successful business. The salespersons are the professionals whose work drives the business forward. Still, the administrators process the payments, ensure quality, and run the day-to-day tasks of the office, further setting the company up for success. 

Become a Professional Administrator With Friday Staffing

Hopefully, this resource has proven helpful in your research regarding whether or not you are best suited for a professional or administrative career. Now that you have a better idea of what type of career you would like to work towards start searching for your perfect fit with Friday Services! Explore available jobs in administrative or professional career tracks today. 


The Importance of Having an Employee Benefits Plan

The Importance of Having an Employee Benefits Plan

When most people look for jobs, the first question that typically comes up is: How much does the job pay? While that’s certainly a critical factor, there’s more to employee compensation than salary. Equally important are the benefits that come along with the money you earn. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of having a job with benefits.

Importance of Providing Employee Benefits

Why do jobs with benefits matter? Employee benefits increase the value of the work you do each day—and improve the quality of your life. With a solid benefits package, you have help with healthcare costs, can plan for retirement, and may even be able to obtain assistance with continuing education. If you think about it, employee benefits can help you do more with the money you earn. That’s why choosing a company with a strong benefits package makes so much sense.

The Impact of Employee Benefits

When you have benefits like paid time off, retirement planning, healthcare, disability coverage, and tuition reimbursement, you can do more in this life. Plus, you’re bound to appreciate your work even more because, beyond your paycheck, your benefits can help you live a healthier, more fulfilling life—and even plan for the future.

Here are a few more reasons why employee benefits should be a major consideration when choosing a job:

Increases Satisfaction Levels

According to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 60% of employees rated benefits as a very important contributor to job satisfaction.1  Benefits can help employees feel happier on the job, increase employee loyalty, and motivate them to do good work each day.

Saves Employees Money

Employee benefits help you do more with the money you earn and spend less on essentials like healthcare or retirement planning. It’s no secret that quality healthcare comes with a hefty price tag in the U.S. Employee benefits help to offset those costs, so you and your family can get the care you need and prioritize your health.

The same is true for higher education. The costs to attend college have continued to climb in recent years. Employees with tuition reimbursement can pursue their interests and enrich their skills without breaking the bank.

Prevents Burnout

When you have support with some of the things that matter in life, it’s much easier to remain focused and enjoy your work. People who struggle to manage health conditions, plan for the future, or take meaningful steps to achieve their ambitions are more likely to experience burnout. Companies that support employees with strong benefits programs recognize that happy employees are more productive and less likely to become dissatisfied with their work.


Job Benefits at Friday Staffing Services

We offer a range of benefits to people who regularly work through Friday Staffing Services. If you’re ready to find a job that offers excellent pay and benefits, look at our open positions or contact our team today!

How to Start a Career in the Healthcare Industry

Do you like the idea of working in a field committed to helping people? If so, a job in healthcare may be the right fit for you. Even if you don’t have an advanced degree, the healthcare industry offers many exciting career opportunities. Plus, you can expect serious job security because the industry is expected to grow in the next decade. 

Before we explore some entry-level jobs that can get you in the door in healthcare, let’s review some of the benefits of working in the medical field.


Benefits of Working in Healthcare

Healthcare is a thriving industry that offers workers a fast-paced environment with new challenges every day. If that sounds appealing, keep reading. Working in healthcare has several more advantages worth exploring. Here are a few of the most compelling reasons to work in healthcare:

There’s a Range of Job Opportunities

Countless job opportunities exist in healthcare, and almost anyone who wants to work in the industry can find a job that’s a good choice for them.  

The Industry Is Projected to Grow

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall employment in healthcare is projected to grow 13% between 2021 to 2031—much faster than the average for all other occupations. This industry growth is expected to create nearly 2 million new jobs over a ten-year time period. 

The Work Is Rewarding

Healthcare workers spend their time making a difference in the lives of people in their community. And that’s a great motivator. Even if you’re not on the frontline treating patients and saving lives, your job undoubtedly supports healthcare providers who are. 

Great Pay & Benefits

Most jobs in healthcare offer great pay and benefits. Why? There are a lot of job openings, so employers have to offer competitive salaries. That’s why even entry-level healthcare jobs can pay very well. Plus, excellent pay comes with great benefits like paid time off, health insurance, and bonuses.


Entry-Level Healthcare Jobs

Now that we’ve reviewed the benefits of working in the medical field, let’s talk about the jobs in healthcare. Learning about the different types of jobs can help you determine whether a healthcare career is right for you. 

Patient Service Representative

What they do: Collect information from patients, including contact information, health insurance information, and billing information.

Average base salary in North Carolina: $29,000

Medical Assistant

What they do: Complete administrative and clinical tasks in hospitals, urgent cares, physician’s offices, and other healthcare facilities.

Average base salary in North Carolina: $40,000

Medical Records Specialist

What they do: Compile, process, and maintain patient medical records.

Average base salary in North Carolina: $37,500

Home Healthcare Aide

What they do: Monitor the condition of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and help them with daily living activities.

Average base salary in North Carolina: $33,000

Pharmacy Technician

What they do: Help pharmacists dispense prescription medication to customers or providers.

Average base salary in North Carolina: $33,000


Medical Career Opportunities with Friday Staffing

If you’re ready to take the next steps and find a job in healthcare you love, Friday Staffing can help you learn how to put your best foot forward with employers and find a position that’s perfect for you.

Is it Time to Change Jobs and Start a New Career? Ask Yourself These Questions

When to Consider a Career Change

Those of us in the working world have probably heard some version of this statement when venting about job frustrations: “Well, it’s called work after all. It’s not supposed to be fun.” Good point. But your work life also shouldn’t be miserable and it doesn’t have to be. 

If you’re not satisfied with how you’re making a living, then maybe it’s time to consider a new career opportunity. If you’re not sure, consider these three questions: 

Are you mad at your job? 

Of course, everyone has bad days at work. But if you’re dissatisfied with your career, you’ll likely have negative feelings about work even when you’re not there. You may worry about the upcoming week throughout your weekend and dread Monday. Or if someone asks you about your job, you don’t have anything positive to say. 

If you’re having a hard time enjoying life outside of work and your job feels like an enemy, a career change might make sense. 

Are you feeling stagnant?

Even if you’re not dreading work, a change in careers may be in order if you’re not learning anything new or there’s no opportunity for growth. If you regularly are bored and don’t have goals to work toward, it may mean that the job isn’t for you. No one enjoys every task at work, but if you’re disinterested the majority of the time, that says something.

If you feel like you’re in a rut and can’t complete tasks with any enthusiasm, a new career may bring some much-needed interest to your work life. 

Do you feel energized or exhausted?

Let’s say you don’t have animosity toward your job and aren’t bored. But, you find yourself exhausted without any other explanation. If your job isn’t somewhat energizing, it’s another sign that it may not be suitable for you. We spend a lot of time at work. Even if you believe you can grin and bear a job you dislike, career dissatisfaction can cause health problems like fatigue. 

If you feel like you’re walking in your sleep most of the time and can’t muster the energy to do the things you enjoy—even outside of work—a career change may help your cause. 

Benefits of Finding a New Career

Maybe your answers to the three previous questions suggest you should consider a new career opportunity. It’s common for people to delay acting on a job change, even when needed. Why? Fear of change sets in and leads to second-guessing. Will the grass be greener somewhere else? Will I like the people at another employer? What if I’m not good at a new job? Will I get stuck doing the same thing, but it’s worse? The list goes on. 

Put these questions aside for a moment, and ask yourself: What is the risk of NOT changing jobs? Chances are the downside of staying at a job you don’t like will be far greater than any perceived drawbacks associated with finding a new job. 

Making a career change can have many benefits, even if it’s a little scary. A new career focus can energize you and bring some interest to your life. It can also help you feel more purposeful and productive—at work and home. And, last but not least, a new job may give you a little more optimism about life and your future. 

Job Hunting with Friday Staffing

If you’re ready to take the next steps and find a new career, Friday Staffing can help you learn more about how to start a new career and find a position that’s perfect for you.

Types of Tech Jobs

Types of Tech Jobs

Technology is all around us thanks to the dedication of professionals who are working tirelessly to find new ways to improve life in the modern world. If you want to join their ranks but don’t know what career opportunities are available, this article is for you. We’ll explore some of the jobs available and what you can expect when you are working in the field.

Working in the Technology Industry

Technology is a fast-paced industry with many different sectors, including businesses that sell goods and services in electronic devices, software, artificial intelligence, and other information technologies. Industry professionals need to be able to adapt to innovations that often change life as we know it. If you are curious, hard-working, creative, detail-oriented, and driven, a job in technology may be perfect for you.

Benefits of Tech Industry Jobs

Tech industry jobs come with a variety of benefits and employers are working harder than ever to attract new talent. Here are a few to consider:

Work-Life Balance

Even before the pandemic, the tech industry was known to offer flexible work arrangements. Technology jobs don’t always follow a standard 9 am – 5 pm work schedule, which gives you a chance to build a workflow that best suits your personal life. You may be able to work remotely or sign up for different shifts that best accommodate your needs.

Growth Opportunities 

Since the technology industry is always changing as new technologies and trends develop, you always have the opportunity to discover something new. For those of you who enjoy learning and gaining new skills, tech industry jobs are anything but stagnant. As you become more skilled, you’ll find plenty of advancement opportunities since there are many high-level jobs available.

Compensation and Benefits

Tech industry jobs often pay more than many other industries, even for entry-level work. Plus, employers typically offer generous health plans and paid time off, along with other benefits like paid educational opportunities, stock options, gym memberships, and other perks.

In Demand Tech Careers

Although some positions don’t require a college degree, tech industry jobs generally require advanced education or certifications. These are a few positions to consider: 

Website Developer

A website developer creates websites and web-based applications using the latest computer languages like Javascript and Python. They also analyze audience needs to make sure the digital products they create are useful and accessible. Anytime you sign on to the internet, you are interacting with content created by web developers. 

Average base salary in North Carolina: $73,000

Software Engineer

Software engineers create and innovate programs used by companies to manage various tasks or actions—like word processing, accounting, and project management to name a few. Software programs run much of the world around us. Once the engineer understands the needs behind the software and associated requirements, they design a program that a developer then codes and tests. 

Average base salary in North Carolina: $100,000

IT Security Specialist

IT security specialists are the go-to resources for keeping data safe and secure against cyber attacks. Today’s workplace relies heavily on data of all kinds, but there are hackers and cyber criminals always waiting in the wings. IT security sits on the front line to ensure a company’s systems can ward off attacks to keep businesses moving forward.

Average base salary in North Carolina: $125,000

Database Administrator

As an essential part of the IT team, database administrators are responsible for making sure employees can access the data and applications they need to do their jobs. Database administrators create and organize data systems so that it is secure and accessible to authorized users.

Average base salary in North Carolina: $77,000

Find the Right Tech Job with Friday Staffing

If you are ready to take the next step toward a rewarding career in technology, Friday Staffing can help you learn more about how to get a job and find a position that’s perfect for you.

Job Growth and Trends in the Manufacturing Industry

Job Growth and Trends in the Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing Industry Trends

The manufacturing industry has continued to see growth coming out of the pandemic, but it’s also seen its share of challenges—supply chain issues and labor shortages, to name a few. Despite these issues, the manufacturing industry’s job outlook is shining bright these days. There’s plenty of opportunity moving forward for those who want to make a career in manufacturing. 

Let’s take a look at a few of the trends that are driving job growth in the industry.

The Continued Rise of Technology

As smart technologies and digital innovations continue to be a part of daily life, manufacturers are increasingly developing new products to meet consumer demand. Manufacturers are also implementing new technologies at their facilities, phasing out old equipment to expand capabilities and introducing new offerings to keep pace with the competition. With new products and manufacturing processes also comes the need for workforce growth. 

Sustainable Business Practices

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are top of mind for manufacturers as sustainable processes and carbon neutrality become essential. Now more than ever, manufacturers must meet certain sustainability requirements to even be considered for government and commercial contracts. For those working in manufacturing, this means they can expect employers to be better stewards of the environment, the workforce, and the broader community.

Workforce Development

Many manufacturers have had continued difficulty addressing the tight labor market and workforce turnover. With demand for manufactured goods continuing to grow, manufacturers are losing opportunities if they aren’t able to attract and retain talent. That’s why many manufacturers are carefully evaluating their processes to improve efficiency and better support the workforce with skill building and training. 


Benefits of Manufacturing Jobs

With consumer demand at an all-time high and plenty of job openings, it’s a great time to have a career in the manufacturing industry—whether you’re operating equipment, handling administrative tasks, or helping to ensure product quality. 

These are just a few benefits of working for manufacturers: 

Increased Job Security

Since there are more jobs available than there are workers to fill positions, people working in the manufacturing industry enjoy relative job security. Not only are employers working hard to improve job satisfaction and retain existing employees, but they’re also putting more effort into incentivizing new talent to join the team.    

Career Advancement

As manufacturers look to retain talent, they are increasingly investing in their workforce. That means workers can expect more opportunities for training to expand their skills and potentially take their careers in new, exciting directions. In some ways, it’s a “workers’ market” these days, and that means job seekers can expect serious benefits and incentives from employers. 

Technology Training

While some may assume technologies that automate processes mean fewer jobs, that’s not always the case. Technology doesn’t always remove the human element from the workplace. More often than not, it makes it easier, faster, and safer for people to do their jobs. That said, workers in manufacturing can expect that technology will improve their day-to-day experience while offering them the opportunity to learn new skills.


Manufacturing Careers With Friday Staffing

If you are ready to take the next step toward a rewarding career in manufacturing, Friday Staffing can help you learn more about how to get a job and find a position that’s perfect for you.

The ‘One-Stop Career Shop’

The ‘One-Stop Career Shop’

So many people think of a staffing agency as a place to find temporary work, but that’s only a small part of what Friday Services does.


Because we’re not here to just find warm bodies to fill open positions. 

We’re in the people business. We help people find work, with people and the type of careers they want and have the skills to work.

How do we do it? We take the time with each job-seeker to understand all of their job skills, experience, needs and interests. 

It’s an approach that flips the script on the stigma that all staffing agencies do is place a warm body in temp jobs, with limited career potential. While that may be true of others, Friday Services prides itself on being a “one-stop career shop” for employers and job-seekers alike. We even changed our name from Friday Staffing to Friday Services to better reflect all that we do.

Setting the record straight

Some of the common misconceptions people have about temporary staffing agencies include:

  • They ONLY place entry-level or unskilled workers.
  • The jobs don’t lead people to long-term or permanent jobs.
  • They charge job-seekers for their services.

At Friday Services, these misconceptions are all FALSE. 

Our company is a resource for making the connection between employers looking to hire, with job-seekers who want to be placed in a career – whether they are at the entry level, or have many years of job experience under their belt. Most of the time with good work performance and attendance these employees are hired on directly by the company. Friday Services is career-oriented, going beyond a typical staffing agency to find the right fit for the company and the potential employee. And we never charge job-seekers for helping them land a new job; rather, employers pay US to find them good employees.

Just as focused on the long term

While yes, we can help job-seekers find temporary work, so many employers here in Western North Carolina are looking to the long term, and we specialize in placement opportunities for all levels of experience in a broad range of roles and industries.

Some of those industries include:

  • Technical Staffing
  • Professional Recruiting Services – These roles are hired from day one by the employer.
  • Light Industrial Labor and Skilled Workforce Solutions
  • Clerical and Administrative Staffing Resources

As a professional employment agency, we are able to connect employers with highly skilled job-seekers who are ready and excited to work, and who bring a diversity of experience and talent to their teams.

Programs designed to launch careers

Friday Services is the first employment agency in the region and only 2nd in the state to offer an apprenticeship program that allows apprentice workers the opportunity to get paid while they learn a new career hands-on. 

Through a partnership with Blue Ridge Community College and area manufacturers, we are able to offer apprenticeships to area workers who receive valuable education while working on the job. Starting pay is $15 an hour, which increases over the time worked. The cost of tuition and books are covered by the program as well.

At the end of the program, the apprentice worker earns a Mechatronics Engineering Technology Certification as an Industrial Manufacturing Production Technician, and gains a foothold on a high-tech career. Learn more here:

Additionally, Friday Services recognizes that veterans are some of the most highly skilled, hardworking employees. Because of this, we offer a wealth of resources to assist area veterans in finding a better job, such as:

  • Free Resume Help
  • Career Counseling
  • Job Placement for Veterans

We encourage any veteran who is currently seeking employment to stop by our office or apply for a job with Friday Services.

It all starts here

Whether you are a local employer looking for just the right person to join your team, or you’re a worker looking for that next step – or that first step – in your career, Friday Services is here to help you.

While the majority of our jobs are full time jobs that often start as temporary but go to permanent, we work with several employers who are looking to immediately fill positions directly on their team through our professional placement services. 

Our premium recruitment program is a fee-based placement service that employers typically use to fill management or highly-skilled positions. Unlike temporary work, the employee is never on Friday Services’ payroll. Instead, the employee works with us to become a direct hire for a desired company from the start.

Other clients hire us to create custom recruitment packages, tailoring our services to their company’s recruiting needs.

Many area job seekers start their journey with our job board. There, job candidates seeking employment in technical, industrial, clerical/administrative and skilled labor, management and other fields, all thanks to our longtime partnerships with local employers. There are hundreds of listings for jobs, from Hendersonville to Morganton, and from Asheville to Black Mountain – all over Western North Carolina.

See for yourself, here:

Western North Carolina Jobs

Western North Carolina Jobs

Are you a job seeker looking for a new career in Western North Carolina? There are plenty of new job opportunities across the WNC – Asheville, Hendersonville and Morganton area, and we’re here to help you find them.

Here at Friday Services, we’ve been helping employers and job seekers get matched for over 40 years. Placing the right person in the right job has made us the top temporary agency in the region. Employers in Western North Carolina have come to rely on Friday Services for their Asheville, Hendersonville and Morganton area employment needs.

Voted The Best Employment Agency by the Best of Blue Ridge, Friday Services is committed to serving clients and job seekers across WNC to fulfill their unique employment needs. 

If you’ve never used an employment agency, you may be surprised at how easy they make it to land your next job in Western North Carolina.

Asheville, Hendersonville and Morganton, North Carolina Jobs

Friday Services has worked hard to earn its reputation as the best employment agency in all of Western NC. Businesses now hiring in Asheville, Hendersonville and Morganton N.C. include a broad spectrum of industries, including manufacturing and light industrial, administrative and professional jobs. Many employers use Friday Services as their go-to recruiting agency for temporary to hire jobs as well, making us a great choice for local job seekers who are looking to get their foot in the door.

Manufacturing/Light Industrial

Employers turn to us to help find skilled workers for manufacturing and light industrial jobs in the Asheville area, ranging from warehouse to maintenance, and from production to engineering.

Manufacturers in Hendersonville and the WNC area are looking to fill positions such as machine operator, industrial electrician, painter and sander. These jobs are among some of the fastest-growing jobs in manufacturing.


Administrative staff are critical to any business’ success. We are the employment agency of choice in the area, offering the best Western NC staffing solutions for job seekers looking for administrative jobs, such as billing clerk, medical records, and administrative assistant.


Friday Services is the place for those seeking professional careers as well. Employers in Asheville, Hendersonville and the surrounding areas are looking to fill a wide range of professional positions, such as design engineer, purchasing agent, interior designer, marketing coordinators and estimators.

Maintenance Technician

Maintenance jobs are vital to the operation of any manufacturing environment. Friday Services offers a wide variety of maintenance technicians and maintenance helpers positions across the region. If you do not have these skills yet but want to start on this career path, check out the Apprenticeship program offered at Friday Services where the worker can get paid to go to school.


Keep your eye open for other positions that might suit you. Maybe there’s something you haven’t considered but looks appealing! There are a wide variety of jobs in and around Asheville, Hendersonville, and Morganton N.C. and employers are looking for career-minded workers who are reliable and willing to learn.

Hiring Across Western North Carolina

Ready to find the right job for you in Western North Carolina? Friday Services is here to help you through the process of selecting the best fit! Current job openings are in local areas such as: Asheville, Arden, Fletcher, Mountain Home, Hendersonville, Morganton, Etowah, Flat Rock, Tryon, Horse Shoe, Mills River, Brevard, Canton/Candler, Waynesville, Weaverville, Mars Hill, Clyde, Black Mountain, and Marion.

Over the past four decades, Friday Services has forged long-lasting, meaningful partnerships with businesses large and small across the Western North Carolina area, offering temp services, apprenticeship programs, and long-term employment opportunities to job seekers in the Asheville, Hendersonville and Morganton area. We are the premier recruiting agency in the region offering a wide array of jobs.

At Friday Services, it takes just two minutes to apply now!

You can search all available Western North Carolina jobs here or just give us a call so we can schedule a consultation with you to discuss your skills and what jobs are currently available or coming available.

Tell us what you’re looking for, and we will help match you up with a recruiter who is looking for someone like you. Click here to learn more.