So, You Got the Interview –  Now What Do You Do?

Nov 29, 2018

You did it! After sending resume after resume to countless job openings, and receiving what felt like endless negative responses, you finally got that call for an interview.

You sit there with a smile on your face, and a sense of pride washes over you. “Finally, someone wants me,” you say to yourself.

But, it is not long after that the excitement turns to anxiety. You start to think about how you are going to sell yourself and how to make a good impression.


Don’t worry! You are not alone!


The interview process can be scary and intimidating, and it takes preparation! This can be hard to tackle alone. What do I need to say?  How do I need to dress? What if I don’t know how to answer a question?

This is why you are here, reading this article, and we at Friday Services are here to help. So, take a deep breath, and focus on these main things:


1. Do your research!

Before you go in to the company, do as much research as you can. Look up the company you are interviewing for and take notes. Write down a few numbers or facts, and pay attention to the company philosophy or motto. Companies like to know that you are serious about them, and that you have gone the extra mile to do research. Maybe even venture out from the company website and check out their blog or social media.

Knowledge is power.


2. Practice, practice, practice

Once you have done your due diligence and studied up on the company, it’s time to practice. Conduct a mock interview with a friend, or with your family, or even with your dog! You do not want to sound rehearsed in the interview, but you do need to sound confident. It is all about selling yourself, so practice (and confidence) is key.


3. Do some self-reflection

Grab a notebook and a pen, and list what you think your strengths and weaknesses are and why. Having it written on paper will help you see what you can highlight during the interview, and how you can answer those kinds of questions when they arise.


4. Don’t be cocky

I am sure you have heard this before- be confident, not cocky. Yes, they chose to interview you, which means they like you on paper, so make them like you in person too. Be humble but knowledgeable.


5. Bring materials – be prepared 

In an interview, it is always important to be prepared. This can mean bringing a notepad and pen to write down some important details, or, bring an extra copy of your resume, just in case. Being prepared shows initiative and organization.


6. Write down questions

Always have a few questions written down, or sitting in the back of your mind, to ask at the end of the interview.  Showing curiosity in the job makes the interviewer see that you are serious about their company. This could include questions about the day-to-day office routines, clarifications about the position, or the hiring timeline moving forward.


7. Make a good first impression!

Don’t simply show up at the exact time your interview is, arrive a little early! That way it can give you time to get your thoughts in order, so you are not flustered by running late. Second, is make sure you are dressed appropriately. Visit the company website and see what the employees are wearing in their head shot photos, and emulate that. And finally, SMILE, show that you are happy to be there and that you WANT to be there.

A person’s body language can reveal a lot about what they are thinking and feeling. So, smile, have good eye contact, be friendly to everyone in the office, and have a strong confident handshake.


8. And lastly, just relax!

You have researched, practiced, and you feel confident, so now it is time to take a deep breath and RELAX! You are prepared and ready to conquer this interview. Of course you will be a little nervous, but go into the interview relaxed, confident, and ready to tell them why YOU are the best candidate.

And most importantly, do not forget to FOLLOW UP after the interview! Get the contact information of the interviewer and send he/she a note afterwards (handwritten or an email) thanking them for their time and emphasizing how you are best for the job.


Good Luck!


By Brianna Ek


At Friday Services, we are proud to work with employees of all ages. Our goal is to place the right people in the right jobs every time. We would love to get to know you and match you with a job that helps you feel fulfilled. Check out all of our available job posts, and contact us with any questions.


If you see a lot of potential in yourself – so do we! Start your job search and learn about the opportunities and benefits offered through each available position.


Friday Services is independent and locally owned. We offer Western North Carolina employers HR staffing solutions.