“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
– Albert Einstein
Whether or not you have heard these wise words from Albert Einstein, the message rings true today, especially in these uncertain times. Lives have turned upside down, people with steady jobs are being laid off, parents are becoming teachers, homes are becoming offices, and the word “normal” has taken on a new meaning.
The COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis have affected nearly everyone in this country, especially in the workforce. In North Carolina alone, more than one million individuals have filed for unemployment, according to the North Carolina Division of Employment Security. This goes far beyond anything the state has ever seen, including The Great Recession over a decade ago.

In the entire country, tens of millions of Americans have found themselves suddenly out of work. Individuals are waiting almost a month or more to even receive their first unemployment check, if they qualify at all. For a lot of families, that month without a paycheck is critical.
With times remaining unclear, stressful, and even frightening, now is the time for us to come together as a country- as a community. But as dark as times may currently seem, there is a silver lining. Companies all across the country are currently hiring and have plans to hire throughout the year. That means it is important now more than ever to continue your to search for new job opportunities, despite your reservations, and Friday Services is here to help.
With times remaining unclear, stressful, and even frightening, now is the time for us to come together as a country- as a community. But as dark as times may currently seem, there is a silver lining.

Companies all across the country are currently hiring and have plans to hire throughout the year. That means it is important now more than ever to continue your to search for new job opportunities, despite your reservations, and Friday Services is here to help.
One thing we know is that this is all temporary. It will end eventually, and the economy will open up again. Those who keep pushing through and searching for new opportunities during this time will be the ones who come out ahead of the curve.
New opportunities are within reach, you just need to know where to look.
The job search can be overwhelming, and with the added stresses that have come due to the COVID-19 crisis, it may even seem unreachable. But that is when you recruit help. Think of yourself as an NFL player- it is the team behind you that helps set you up for success

That makes us your agents. Working with an employment agency can help ease your stress while also connecting you with job opportunities that you never knew where out there. New opportunities, job security, and a weekly paycheck can be the difference between putting food on your table or scrambling for a new job that may not be there in the upcoming months.
If you or someone you know is searching for work, please take a look at our open jobs and apply online today. Our team is ready to help get you back to work so you can provide for your family.
“When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars.”
Oscar Wilde