6 Ways We Make the Job Search Less Scary

Oct 27, 2015

It’s Halloween time again! The leaves are changing, pumpkin patches are popping up everywhere, and soon we’ll see tiny witches, goblins, and ghouls going door to door scaring up treats from kindly neighbors. From haunted houses to corn mazes, there are plenty of ways to enjoy a good fright during this season. But, if you are on the hunt for a new job, or considering making a career change soon, looking for a new job can seem scarier than a haunted house.

Never fear, help is here. The job search does not have to be frightening. Here are a few of the ways that Friday Services can help take the fear out of looking for a new job and match you with a position that will be right for you, whether you apply on Halloween or anytime throughout the rest of the year.

1.  We’ll call you back!

Playing the waiting game can be frustrating and stressful, especially when you need a new job right away. We won’t make you play that game. When you fill out the Friday Services job application we guarantee that one of our team members will contact you within 2 business days.

2. We know what employers are looking for.

Looking for a job can often feel like a big guessing game. You must guess what type of person an employer is looking for in order to know if you might be right for the job and and how to make a good impression if you do apply. At Friday Services, we’ll do the job search for you. We have developed relationships with the employers we serve and we know what they are looking for. We also offer good guidance that can help you succeed in a job once you’ve started.

3. We’ll match you to a job that fits.

From entry level positions to openings for experienced professionals, and from clerical jobs to industrial jobs, Friday Services places workers in all sorts of career opportunities. Take a look at the many types of jobs we are offering today.

In order to match you with the right job, we will take a close look at your application and talk to you to learn the details that often can’t be expressed on paper. Once we understand your work experience, skills, and goals, our team will start working to place you in a job that matches your skills and an office culture that fits your personality. Once you start work we will continually check in with you to find out if the position is a good fit. If you accept a position, and it turns out not to be a good fit for some reason, just tell us and we will work with you to find another opportunity that matches your needs better.

4. We offer flexibility.

Taking a permanent new job with an employer is a big commitment. If you are scared off by the idea of making that commitment, then working with a staffing agency like Fridays might be a good solution. Plus, because we are always hiring for different jobs with different scheduling requirements, we can offer much more flexibility than many other employers.

5. We offer support every step of the way.

From the first time you call Friday Services or walk in our door you have a name and a story that we take the time to learn. We tell our registered workers to talk to us if they need information or additional support. Helping our workers get good jobs is only one of the ways we offer support. As one of our standard benefits, we provide an Employee Assistance Program that offers prepaid, confidential counseling to employees and their family members who need help resolving problems that affect their personal or work life. Our entire team is passionate about helping people.

6. We offer career guidance and tips.

From resume writing to interview tips, our team of employment professionals will offer you career development help. We can help you:

  • Guide you in how to apply to a job online.
  • Review and improve your resume.
  • Write a job objective statement that will stand out from the crowd.
  • Make a positive impression in a face to face interview.
  • Get job experience now that will help you advance your career later.

These are only a few of the ways the Friday Services team can help. If you have any questions about how we can help you make the job search less scary–please contact us.



If you see a lot of potential in yourself – so do we! Start your job search and learn about the opportunities and benefits offered through each available position.


Friday Services is independent and locally owned. We offer Western North Carolina employers HR staffing solutions.