On the Rise: Moms in the Workplace

May 11, 2017

This year, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 14. On this spring day, our team at Friday Services will be joined by people around the country in celebrating mothers, mother figures, and maternal bonds. Whether you’re taking mom out to a nice dinner, spending some extra special time with your own family, or bringing a big bouquet of flowers over to grandma’s house, there are many different ways to express your gratitude for the moms in your life.

Our staffing agency want to take a moment and thank moms for everything they do to take care of their families and lift up the world. Our staffing agency is proud to to help place people in fulfilling careers. Many of our workers are mothers and grandmothers who are seeking a work-life balance while they raise their children.

Over time, more and more mothers have joined the workforce. Back in March, the US Department of Labor blog’s post “12 Stats About Working Women” stated that in 1960, mothers were the primary or sole earners for 11% of US households with children under 18. Since then, that number has grown to 40%.

A Balancing Act

There are 25.1 million working mothers with children under age 18, according to the US Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau. One of these women is Sheila T., a resident of McDowell County. We’ve worked closely with Sheila to help her find a job that fit her skills and needs. For the last year, she has been working as a press operator for a manufacturer of high quality injection molds.

Sheila is a grandmother to two wonderful boys, Noah (age 5) and Drake (9), who she has been raising for two years. “I think they teach me just as much as I teach them,” she says. Her husband passed away five years ago and Sheila works to support her family. “It isn’t easy, but as a mother you learn to do it.”

Noah attends daycare at the same school where Drake is in third grade. Sheila works Monday through Thursday, which means that on Fridays she can go to the school and eat lunch with the boys. “I make sure I go to all the parent-teacher conferences…and field trips when they are on Fridays.” A few Fridays ago, Sheila helped with the SHINE program at the school where students volunteer to help someone in their neighborhood who needs a hand.

After work, Sheila picks them up from their after-school program. In the evening Sheila can spend time with the boys and go over what they learned at school. “They’re doing everything so differently now,” she says. “It’s like I’m relearning everything, too!”

Patience & Respect are the Keys to Success

Drake shares his love of Legos and sports with Noah. “Drake is a math whiz. He’s been making A-Honor Roll and I am so proud of him,” says Sheila, adding, “I encourage them to make school first so they can get a really good job.”

When asked what skills she has gained professionally that she shares with her boys, Sheila says that she practices patience and the ability to work well with others. “You try to respect people’s feelings. I try to do that with my kids: Make sure they respect everyone’s feelings no matter what. To always be honest and work hard.”

Motherhood is a full-time job in and of itself. As far as advice for other women in the workplace, Sheila says “Do both jobs and be supportive. Be there for the kids and for work. Make sure you’re there for their schooling. I try to be part of the school and what’s going on.”

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Friday Services is independent and locally owned. We offer Western North Carolina employers HR staffing solutions.